When you are searching by file name, you can perform wildcard searches. These searches can return a larger number of files. You can use the following wildcards:
Question mark (?): Adding a question mark indicates that the search string is missing a single unknown character. For example, if you entered "N?TE.TXT," the search would return the following deleted files: NOTE.TXT and NATE.TXT.
Asterisk (*): Adding an asterisk indicates that the search string is missing one or more unknown characters. For example, if you entered "S*P.*," the search would return: STOP.DOC, STOP.HTM, and SOP.TXT.
Semi-colon (;): You can separate multiple terms in the search string with a semi-colon. When you add two strings separated by a semi-colon, the search find deleted files that match either of the strings. For example, if you entered "STOP;NOTE," the search would return the following deleted files: STOP.DOC, STOP.HTM, and NOTE.TXT.